It shall be unlawful for any person to own or harbor a dog within the city limits without first obtaining a license for such dog. The city clerk or designated agent shall issue an annual license for dogs upon first being provided with proof of such animal’s current vaccination against rabies. The following licensing fees shall be:
On or before March 31st — free.
New residents within 30 days of residency — free.
After March 31st — $10 per animal.
After citation has been issued for violation — $25 per animal.
The city clerk or designated agent shall issue a duplicate or replace a tag which has been lost, upon payment of a replacement fee of $2. The replacement fee may be amended from time to time by resolution with a copy of such resolution at all times on file with the city clerk.
(Ord. 329, Sec. 1; Ord. 399, Sec. 3; Ord. 434, Sec. 1; Code 2019)
Dogs must wear identification tags or collars at all times when off the premises of their owner. No person may use any license for any animal other than the animal which it was issued. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to counterfeit the license herein authorized, or to take or steal from any animal, the tag duly purchased and placed on such animal by the owner or harborer thereof. Any person convicted of failure to license an animal in accordance with this article shall pay a fine of not less than $20 or more than $100 dollars.
(Ord. 284, Sec. 2; Code 1985; Code 2019)
The provisions of this article with respect to registration shall not apply to any dog owned by any person visiting or temporarily remaining within the city for less than 30 days. However, such dogs shall be kept under restraint by the owner thereof at all times.
(Code 1985; Code 2019)
(a) It shall be unlawful for the owner or harborer of any dog to permit such dog to run at large within the City at any time;
(b) Any dog running at large within the City shall be impounded as set out in section 2-205;
(c) The owner of any dog impounded for running at large shall pay a fine according to the following schedule:
(1) First offense - $25.00 plus court costs
(2) Second offense - $100.00 fine plus court costs
(3) Third offense or higher - $150.00 plus court costs.
(Ord. 251; Ord. 309; Ord. 434, Sec. 2; Code 2004; Ord. 515; Ord. 628; Code 2019)
Any dog found in violation of the provisions of this article shall be subject to impoundment by the city. A record of all dogs impounded shall be kept by the city containing the following information: color, sex, weight, height, identifying marks, registration number (if any) and the date of impoundment.
(a) If the dog impounded has a current registration tag attached to its collar, the owner of such dog, as shown by the records of the city clerk shall be notified in writing as soon as possible. If, at the end of five days the city clerk has been unable to locate the owner, or the owner, upon having been located, refuses to claim or redeem the animal, then the animal may be sold, euthanized or otherwise disposed of.
(b) If the animal impounded has no current registration tag, it shall be kept for five business days. If within that time the owner does not appear to claim the animal it may be sold, euthanized or otherwise disposed of.
(c) If within the impounding period, the owner of an impounded animal does appear and redeem the animal, it shall be turned over to the person claiming it upon payment of the impounding fees, and upon compliance with the registration provisions of this article.
(d) Impounding fees shall be as follows:
(1) $25 for pickup fee and first day at pound;
(2) $5 per day after the first day.
The above fees may be amended from time to time by resolution with a copy at all times on file with the city clerk.
(e) An impounded animal which does not have a current rabies vaccination may be released to its owner on the condition that vaccination and licensing requirements shall be met within three business days following such release.
(f) Impoundment hereunder shall not preclude any court from imposing and executing any fine which might otherwise be levied under this article for violation of any of the provisions thereof; nor shall impoundment be a defense in any prosecution commenced hereunder.
(Ord. 284, Sec. 6; Ord. 399, Sec. 3; Ord. 434, Sec. 3; Code 2004; Ord. 515; Code 2019)
(a) Any person, firm or corporation maintaining or operating a kennel within the city must obtain an annual permit as herein provided. Written application shall be made to the city clerk or his or her designated agent, and shall include the name and address of the applicant, description, sex and type of animals kept or harbored on the premises. Upon receipt of the permit application, the city clerk shall direct the chief of police to inspect the premises, enclosures and/or equipment of the applicant for compliance with provisions of this article or other applicable laws. Following approval by the chief of police and payment of the applicable fee, hereafter set out, a permit shall be issued. Kennel fees shall be assessed as follows:
(1) Class 1 Kennel: (authorized to house four (4) to eight dogs) - $40; Annual Fee
(2) Class 2 Kennel: (authorized to house eight or more dogs) - $250.
The above fees may be amended from time to time by resolution with a copy at all times on file with the city clerk.
(b) Any person or person operating a kennel within the city shall comply with all other sections of this chapter including but not limited to licensing requirements of all animals. No Class 2 kennel may be located in a residential zone.
(Ord. 284, Secs. 3:4; Ord. 399, Sec. 3; Code 2019)
Any unspayed female dog in the stage of estrus (heat) shall be confined during such period of time in a house, building or secure enclosure, and the area of enclosure shall be so constructed that no other dog or dogs may gain voluntary access to the confined animal except for purposes of planned breeding. Any animal that is in the state of estrus (heat) and that is not properly confined, or any such animal that is creating a neighborhood nuisance, shall be removed to a boarding kennel, to a veterinary hospital or to the animal shelter. All expenses incurred as a result of the confinement shall be paid by the owner. The owner of animals removed to the animal shelter shall be charged at the rate established from time to time by the animal shelter for routine confinement. Failure to comply with the order of the animal control officer shall be a violation of this article, and the animal will then be impounded as provided by this chapter.
(Code 1985)
“Seeing Eye Dogs” used by blind persons shall, by reason of circumstances and training of such dogs, be exempt from this article, except that portion requiring rabies inoculation. Such blind persons, upon presentation of a current rabies certificate, as set forth in section 2-201, shall be presented a license tag at no charge. Such seeing eye dog shall not be impounded and every effort shall be made to return the dog to the custody of its owner as promptly as possible.
(Code 1985)