Subdivision regulations are hereby approved and adopted by the governing body of the city, as prepared and published in book form as model regulations by the city planning commission with the technical assistance of Foster & Associates, Planning Consultants of Wichita, Kansas, and the city administrator under the date of June 1, 1998, and entitled “Subdivision Regulations of the City of Towanda, Kansas” and the same are hereby incorporated by reference as fully as if set out herein.
(Ord. 448, Sec. 1; Code 2004)
The advertised public hearing required by Kansas law was duly held on June 1, 1998, by the city planning commission, and a discussion of the subdivision regulations was had at the meeting and that the subdivision regulations in model code form herein adopted are a true and correct copy of those regulations as adopted by the planning commission.
(Ord. 448, Sec. 2; Code 2004)
The subdivision regulations herein incorporated by reference shall govern the subdivision of land and the vacation of rights-of-way, easements and other public reservations located within the city and in the extraterritorial jurisdiction as described therein.
(Ord. 448, Sec. 3; Code 2004)
Not less than three copies of the subdivision regulations in book form marked “Official Copy as incorporated by Ordinance No. 448” and to which there shall be a published copy of said ordinance attached, shall be filed with the city clerk to be open for inspection and available to the public at all reasonable business hours.
(Ord. 448, Sec. 4; Code 2004)