For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
(a) Camping Trailer. Any vehicular portable dwelling unit designed especially for a short-term occupancy such as: travel trailers, tent trailers, truck or auto mounted camping units, converted buses and trucks and all other similar units whether self-propelled, pulled or hauled and designed primarily for highway travel without the necessity of a special permit.
(b) Mobile Home. A factory-built structure or structures equipped with the necessary service connections and made so as to be readily movable as a unit or units on its or their own running gear and designed to be used as a dwelling unit without a permanent foundation. The phrase “without a permanent foundation” indicates that the support system is constructed with the intent that the mobile home placed thereon may be moved from time to time at the convenience of the owner. The term shall include two or more separately towed units which when bolted or otherwise fastened together form a complete living unit. All mobile homes shall be skirted and, according to standards of the State of Kansas, shall be anchored to the ground.
(c) Mobile Home Park. Any area, parcel or tract of ground equipped as required for support of mobile homes and used or intended to be used by one or more occupied mobile home. Such mobile home park shall be under one ownership and control, but under no circumstances shall the mobile home spaces be sold or offered for sale individually. The term mobile home park does not include a sales area on which unoccupied mobile homes, whether new or used, are parked for the purposes of storage, inspection, or sale. A mobile home may, however, be parked on a space for purposes of sale by the resident owner. In addition to rental of space, the mobile home park owner may also rent mobile homes placed on spaces for that purpose.
(d) Mobile Home Space. A plot of ground within a mobile home park which can accommodate one mobile home and which provides the necessary utility services for water, sewerage and electricity.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 1)
(a) No mobile home park shall be located in the limits of the city unless there is a city water supply available on the premises for the occupants thereof and unless adequate facilities for the disposal of sewage shall be available thereon. Such locations shall also comply with the requirements of the zoning ordinance relating to trailers and trailer camps.
(b) Every mobile home park in the city shall have constructed or maintained thereon the following for the use of each mobile home space thereof, all of which shall be construed to be the minimum requirements for any such place in the city:
(1) Flytight garbage containers from which the contents shall be disposed of at least once each week by the city designated trash collector.
(2) Facilities to drain into the sanitary sewer or private sewer all liquid wastes from showers, drains, faucets, lavatories and laundries which shall comply with-the regulation of the board of health and any ordinance of the city.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 2)
Use regulations relating to MH-1 Manufactured Home Park District shall be as set out in sections 103 of Article 4 of the “Zoning Regulations of the City of Towanda, Kansas” as adopted by Ordinance 462 and as incorporated by reference by section 16-201 of this code.
(Ord. 462; Code 2004; Code 2019)
Service buildings in the trailer parks shall be constructed and maintained as follows:
(a) Service buildings, when provided, whether required or not, housing sanitation and laundry facilities, or any such facility, shall be permanent structures complying with all applicable regulations and statutes regulating buildings, electric installations, plumbing and sanitation systems.
(b) All service buildings, when provided, whether required or not, shall be maintained in a clean sightly condition and kept free of any condition that will menace the health of any occupant or the public, or constitute a nuisance.
(c) Service buildings, and parking related to the service operations shall not occupy more than five percent of the area of the park and shall be located, designed, and intended to serve frequent trade or service needs of persons residing in the park and shall present no visible evidence of their commercial character from any portion of any residential district outside of the park.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 4)
Water supply for each park or camp shall be provided as follows:
(a) An accessible, safe and potable supply of water as approved by the state health department, shall be provided in each park or camp. If a public water supply is reasonably available to the park or camp, it shall be used.
(b) The size and location of water mains and fire hydrants shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer and shall be in accordance with the requirements of the agency from which the water supply is obtained.
(c) Individual water service connections shall be provided at each mobile home space. Such connections shall be located at least four inches above ground surface, at least three-fourths inch in diameter and equipped with three-fourths inch valve outlet. All water pipes shall be protected against freezing.
(d) When a private water supply is provided, it shall provide an adequate water supply with a minimum flow rate of four gallons per minute for each of the first five mobile home spaces and an additional two gallons per minute for each additional space for the next 10 spaces and an additional one and one-half gallons per minute for each additional space for the next 25 spaces and an additional one gallon per minute for each additional space thereafter. The system shall provide a minimum of 20 pounds per square inch of pressure at all connections provided.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 5)
Sewage systems for trailer parks in the city shall be as follows:
(a) Individual sewer connections shall be provided for each mobile home space and shall be in accordance with all codes and regulations regarding such systems. If a public sewer system is reasonably available to the park, it shall be used.
(b) All sewage systems shall be designed by a licensed professional engineer and shall be submitted to the appropriate governing body for their approval.
(c) When the sewer lines of the park are not connected to a public sewer a sewage treatment plant or sewage disposal system approved by the health officer or the engineer having jurisdiction shall be provided.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 6)
The mobile home park shall be in compliance with this article and all other regulations and the site shall be in conformance with applicable regulations of the locality and state.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 7)
A house trailer or mobile home may be parked in the mobile home park: provided, that it shall not be a nuisance and does not constitute a fire hazard: provided further, that the trailer is not offered for sale by other than the resident owner or his or her agent.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 8)
Every mobile home or house trailer regulated by this article shall be anchored to the ground by a method approved by the inspection officer. This anchorage shall be adequate to withstand the minimum horizontal wind and uplift pressures as set forth in the building code for permanent structures. This regulation shall from date of passage of this article apply to all new mobile home parks and shall also thereafter apply whenever a mobile home or house trailer is moved in, relocated or replaced in existing mobile home parks, and furthermore, compliance shall be attained on all mobile homes and house trailers in all mobile home parks within one year from the date of the adoption of this article.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 9)
The owner or manager of any such mobile home park shall report immediately to the city or county health officer all cases of persons affected or suspected of being affected with any communicable disease. Such owner or manager shall prohibit the placing, throwing or dumping of any refuse or wastes from the mobile homes, showers, toilets, laundry facilities or lavatories upon the park grounds or permit the same to be disposed of upon adjoining premises to the annoyance thereof. He or she shall prohibit the lighting or use of open fires on the premises.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 10)
(a) Every mobile home park of 10 or more mobile home spaces shall be provided with an above-grade or below-grade storm shelter which shall be:
(1) A minimum floor area of 10 square feet for each mobile home space within the mobile home park;
(2) Accessible to the residents of the mobile home park by means deemed adequate by the city building inspector;
(3) Equipped with emergency lighting and a drainage or sump system deemed adequate by the city building inspector;
(4) Maintained in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be secured in such a fashion as to minimize the likelihood of infestation of varmints.
(b) Every mobile home park of 10 or more mobile home spaces which is constructed after the effective date of Ordinance No. 475 or for every mobile home park constructed prior to the effective date of Ordinance No. 475 but to which is added 10 or more additional mobile home spaces shall be provided with an above grade or below-grade storm shelter or shelters which meet the above criteria and in addition thereto shall:
(1) Be designed by a licensed structural engineer or architect and built in accordance with plans certified by the structural engineer or architect;
(2) Be designed and constructed to meet all Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements and guidelines if the shelter is located in a flood plain;
(3) Be designed and constructed to meet the minimum lighting, ventilation, and existing requirements of the city’s currently adopted additions of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, and National Electric Code, where applicable;
(4) Be designed and constructed to meet all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA);
(5) Be located no further than 1,320 linear feet from the furthest mobile home space in the mobile home park.
(c) Mobile home shelters shall be subject to inspection by the city building inspector at all reasonable times. In the event that a shelter is found to be unsafe, unusable, or in the event that such shelter has not been maintained in order to satisfy the requirements applicable to the same, the building inspector shall personally serve the owner of the mobile home park with a notice of deficiency setting forth the deficiencies and inadequacies noted. The owner of the mobile home park shall then have 90 days within which to correct such deficiencies. The failure to correct such deficiencies within 90 days shall constitute a violation of this article and upon conviction thereof the owner of such mobile home park shall be punished by a fine of up to $500 and/or incarceration in the Butler County jail for up to 30 days for each day of continued violation. As an additional consequence of the mobile home park owner’s failure to correct deficiencies, the city may order the reconstruction of the mobile home shelter in accordance with the criteria established for newly constructed mobile home parks. Alternatively, upon the failure of a mobile home park owner to correct deficiencies in accordance with the provisions of this section, the city may initiate repairs or improvements itself in which event the cost of all such repairs or improvements shall be certified to the Butler County Clerk as a special tax to be levied against the mobile home park during the next following tax year.
(Ord. 475, Secs. 1:3; Code 2004)
The chief of police and the building inspector shall be charged with the enforcement of this article and shall cause all ordinances of the city respecting any such mobile home or mobile home park to be enforced.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 12)
It shall be unlawful for any person to stand or park any mobile home on any street, alley, avenue, highway or other public place in the city or on any tract of land within the city contrary to the provisions of this article, whether owned by the person himself, herself or others: provided, that emergency or temporary stopping or parking not exceeding four hours at any one time shall be lawful as permitted by traffic ordinances or as may be directed by the public safety officers of the city. No person shall park or occupy any mobile home except as authorized herein, except for mobile home sales lot.
(Ord. 258, Sec. 13)