Article 1. General Provisions
(a) When after following procedures outlined in Chapter 8, it becomes necessary for the City of Towanda to clear a lot or lawn of overgrown weeds or grass, the following charges shall apply:
(1) Administrative Fee: $25.00
(2) Mailing Fee: $6.00
(3) Labor for first hour: $70.00
(4) Labor for each additional hour or portion thereof: $45.00
(b) When deemed necessary by Maintenance Supervisor:
(1) Use of Skidsteer: $200.00 per day
(2) Use of Dump Truck: $280.00 per day
(c) Upon completion of the clearing of the lot or lawn, the Zoning Administrator will cause a bill for said services to be created and sent to the owner of record of the property in question. If the bill remains unpaid after 60 days, the City Clerk will have the charges certified to the Treasurer of Butler County to be assessed as taxes.
(Ord. 527; Ord. 631; Code 2019)