There is hereby created the Department of Parks and Recreation which shall be under the control of the governing body of the city.

(Ord. 380, Sec. 1)

The governing body is hereby authorized to create a parks and recreation advisory board consisting of not more than seven members who shall provide advice and guidance to the governing body on all matters pertaining to the use of, maintenance of, and development of city parks and recreational facilities and shall have such other functions and authority as delegated by the governing body. Appointments to such board shall be made by the governing body as follows:

(a)   Three members to serve four years;

(b)   Two members to serve two years;

(c)   Two members to serve one year;

(d)   After the initial term of appointment, all members of such board shall serve four-year terms.

(Ord. 380, Secs. 2)

The city shall have police regulations governing any public parks belonging to the city and the chief of police shall have full power to enforce city laws therein.

(Code 1985)

It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully or wantonly injure, tarnish, deface or destroy any building, walk, bench, tree or improvement or property of any kind belonging to any public park owned by the city.

(Code 1985)

It shall be unlawful for any person to carry or have in his or her possession any firearm or dangerous weapon or to shoot or discharge the same within the limits of any city parks.

(Code 1985)

The city clerk is empowered to allow reservation of park facilities. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to occupy, use or attempt to control the occupation or use of any park facilities or portion thereof after being notified that a written reservation for exclusive use of the same has been issued during the period of time set forth in said reservation, and no person or persons shall continue to use or attempt to use any such park facility after a written reservation has been issued for said purpose and time. Any person failing to vacate such park facility promptly after being informed of such reservation shall be subject to arrest for violation thereof. The foregoing is not intended to prohibit the free and unrestricted use of the park facilities by persons without written reservation as long as no such reservation has been issued.

(Code 1985)

(a)   Motor vehicles, including any vehicle licensed to operate on public streets, roads and highways and motorbikes, go-carts, snowmobiles and other motorized off-the-road vehicles shall be operated in a safe and prudent manner at all times in park areas.

(b)   Such vehicles shall be parked only on those areas provided for that purpose.

(c)   Such vehicles shall be operated only on drives, roads and areas provided for parking.

(d)   It shall be unlawful to operate any such vehicle in any park area at a speed in excess of 20 m.p.h.

(Code 1985)

No person shall pursue, catch, trap, maim, kill, shoot or take any wildlife, either bird or animal, in any manner at any time while in any city park.

(Code 1985)

Fires may be built only in the ovens, stoves, or grills provided for that purpose by the city, and must be extinguished by the person, persons or parties starting such fires, immediately after use thereof.

(Code 1985)

Overnight camping is hereby prohibited in city parks except where posted.

(Code 1985)

All waste material, paper, trash, rubbish, tin cans, bottles, containers, garbage and refuse of any kind whatsoever shall be deposited in disposal containers provided for such purposes. No such waste or contaminating material shall be discarded otherwise. No sticks, stones, trash or other objects shall be thrown or discarded in or on any park lands, fountains, pools, drinking fountains, sanitary facilities, or other improvements.

(Code 1985)

It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use, consume or have on the premises of any park or other city property within the city any alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage.

(Code 1985)

No person shall take, injure, or disturb any live or dead tree, plant, shrub, or flower, or otherwise interfere with the natural state of city parks.

(Code 1985)

The city clerk may post such rules and regulations, as are approved by the governing body, pertaining to the use of the city parks in a conspicuous place in each city park. Violations of these posted rules shall constitute a violation of this code.

(Code 1985)