The following uniform, national and international codes shall be incorporated by reference in this article and shall constitute the minimum standards for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling, occupancy, location or maintenance of buildings and structures. At least one copy of the below stated codes shall be stamped “official copy.” They shall clearly show those portions of a code omitted from this article and have a copy of this code section attached, be filed with the city clerk’s office and shall be available for public inspection during normal business hours.

(a)   International Residential Code, 2006 Edition, including Appendix E, G, H, J, K and M with Amendments:

(1)   Design criteria established

Ground Snow Load: 15 psf

Wind Speed: 90 mph

Seismic Design Category: A

Weathering: Severe

Frost Line Depth: 30 inches

Termite: Moderate to Heavy

Winter Design Temp: 7

Ice Barrier Underlayment Required: No

Flood Hazards: FIRM Map Dated June 20, 2001, or as updated

Air Freezing Index: 0-1000

Mean Annual Temp: 55-60

(2)   All structures with a floor area of more than I 00 square feet require a building permit.

(3)   All fences require a building permit.

(4)   Building Official can set time limit for any permit.

(5)   All structures must be anchored to the ground to meet the requirements of the code.

(6)   Wood sill plates must be naturally durable or preservative treated wood

(b)   International Existing Building Code, 2006 Edition, with the following Amendments:

(1)   Repairs, alterations, and additions to structures that are covered under the scope of the 2006 International Residential Code shall be in accordance with the 2006 International Residential Code as adopted by the City of Towanda.

(2)   Building Official can set time limit for any permit.

(3)   Demolition procedures established.

(c)   Uniform Mechanical Code, 2006 Edition, with the following Amendments:

(1)   If there are conflicts between this code and other codes adopted by the City of Towanda, the Building Official shall have the authority to determine if both codes are acceptable.

(2)   Ducts or plenums located in unconditioned crawl spaces below conditioned spaces are not required to be insulated.

(Ord. 466; Ord. 653; Code 2019)

(a)   General. In order to hear and decide appeals of decisions, orders or determinations made by the building officials relative to the application and interpretation of the above listed codes adopted by incorporation and to determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction and installation, there shall be and is hereby created a single board of appeals consisting of three members who are qualified by experience and training in one or more of the areas related to building construction, mechanical design, electrical systems and equipment, plumbing, security systems and fire prevention systems. The members of the board of appeals shall not be city employees. The building official in charge of enforcing the codes shall be an ex officio member, shall act as secretary to the board and shall have no vote on any matter before the board.

(b)   Terms and Appointment. Members of the board of appeals shall be appointed by the city council and shall be residents of the city. Position 1 shall be for an initial three-year term, position 2 shall be for an initial two-year term and position 3 shall be for an initial one-year term. Terms after the expiration of the initial term shall be three years. The board shall receive no compensation except for expenses such as traveling, meals and training.

(c)   Organization. The board shall meet, organize and adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business. The board shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant with a duplicate copy to the building official.

(d)   Limitations of Authority. The board of appeals shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administrative provisions of this code, nor shall the board be empowered to waive any requirements of this code.

(Ord. 466, Sec. 3)

(a)   Permits. All parties subject to this code shall file for a permit at the city inspection office. The applicant shall comply with all pertinent zoning and sanitation rules and regulations as enacted by the city before being issued a building permit.

(b)   Fees. A fee shall be charged for a building permit and a fee schedule shall be established by the city council by resolution. Fees for manufactured and modular homes, which comply with state and federal laws and regulations, shall also be established in the same resolution.

(Ord. 466, Sec. 4)

(a)   Licenses. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in any building trade in the unincorporated area of the city without first receiving a license or registering as a handyman. All licenses and handyman registrations shall be good for the year in which they are received and shall expire on December 31st of each year. All applicants for a license shall submit a fee of $25 for each license sought. All handyman registrants shall submit a fee of $10.

(b)   Examinations. Individuals and entities seeking more than one license shall either produce proof of testing by a Block test or produce proof of having taken and passed a written test by another municipality in the State of Kansas.

(c)   Insurance. All contractors (but not handyman registrants) subject to this code shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance with a minimum amount of $100,000.

(d)   Exemptions.

(1)   Homeowners shall be exempt from having to obtain a license or insurance for work they do on their own property, but shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of the code as to the quality of the work and shall be required to obtain the necessary permits and pay the standard fees.

(2)   Handyman. Any person, firm, or corporation that engages in repair work for homeowners that does not require a building permit.

(Ord. 466, Sec. 5; Ord. 469, Secs. 1:2; Code 2004; Code 2019)

(a)   Violations. Any person, company, corporation, institution, municipality or agency of the State of Kansas who violates any provision of the building code as adopted above and amended hereafter shall be subject to the penalties and remedies provided for in this section. A violation of this code shall be deemed to be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine not to exceed $500 for each offense, and each day’s violation shall constitute a separate offense. (See the Fee and Fine Schedule).

(b)   Other Remedies. Whenever any building or structure is or is proposed to be erected, constructed, altered, converted or maintained in violation of any building code, the governing body of the city, in addition to other remedies, may institute an injunction, mandamus or other appropriate action or proceeding to prevent such unlawful activity or to correct or abate violation of this act.

(Ord. 466, Sec. 6)