CHAPTER 1. ADMINISTRATIONCHAPTER 1. ADMINISTRATION\Article 4. Personnel and Employee Benefits

Compensation for all city employees shall be fixed by ordinance or simple resolution, as deemed desirable by the governing body. The compensation may be so established within a range of pay for the classification of each employee. In such event the actual pay fixed for such employee shall be established by resolution and shall lie within the pay range established by the city. Employees working on a part-time basis shall receive that portion of the salary assigned to their class to be determined by the actual time they work.

(Ord. 443, Sec. 1)

There shall be a 40-hour five-day work week, Monday through Friday, for all employees of the city, Provided, however, operating and maintenance personnel who may be designated by the governing body or heads of departments to work on Saturday or Sunday or portions of these days, shall so work on a rotation basis for the purpose of providing critical services in the public interest; the employees so working on these days or portions of days shall be compensated as provided in the salary ordinances of the city. In consideration of the adoption by the city of the 40 hour work week, all city employees shall be obligated for performance of their services at any off-duty time upon emergency call from heads of departments and shall be compensated as provided in the salary ordinances of the city.

(Code 1985)

Each city employee, following initial employment, shall satisfactorily complete a 90-day probationary period before being granted permanent employee status. Any employee terminated during the probationary period shall be considered a termination for cause.

(Code 1985)

An employee who terminates for reason other than for cause will receive his or her final pay check on the first regularly scheduled pay day following his or her termination. Employees discharged for cause will receive their final pay check not later than the close of the final day of work or as soon thereafter as is practicable.

(Code 1985)

The city clerk shall keep adequate records of all persons employed, their pay scale, time worked, accrued vacation and sick leave, all absences for vacation and sick leave and accrued overtime. Such records shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection.

(Code 1985)

In January of each year, the governing body shall review and consider recommendations from all department heads relating to merit advancement or promotions of employees of the city. This policy shall be effective as to all city employees following six months of continuous employment.

Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the review of compensation and modification of compensation to city employees from time to time as deemed appropriate by the governing body. Nothing herein shall be construed to imply that any employee shall receive merit, promotions, or wage increases at any time.

(Ord. 443, Sec. 2)

(a)   Except as otherwise provided by this section, all full-time city employees shall receive credit for eight hours holiday pay for the following holidays: New Years Day, January 1; President’s Day, the third Monday in February; Memorial Day; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, the first Monday in September; Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November and the following Friday; Christmas Day, December 25. Each employee will also receive a personal holiday to be scheduled with their immediate supervisor.

(b)   Whenever any of these holidays fall on a Saturday, then the previous Friday shall be taken off; further, whenever any of these holidays fall on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be taken off.

(c)   For work on an official holiday, the chief of police, law enforcement officers, laborer, and part time patrolmen shall receive as additional pay their regular hourly rate for an equivalent number of hours or a portion thereof worked on the days or holiday leave as hereinafter provided.

(d)   Police department personnel may take all or part of their holiday pay in paid time off at the regular pay rate if the department’s personnel level allows. Any holiday pay taken in paid time off will be in increments equivalent to the normal shift hours and shall be in lieu of the additional holiday pay as provided hereinabove.

(Code 2004)

Annual leave shall be earned and accrued from the most recent day of employment under the conditions hereinafter stated. Employees shall be permitted to use annual leave in units of hours or weeks subject to approval of the department heads.

(a)   Full-time employees shall accrue two work weeks of annual leave per year during the first five years of employment with the city. Employees shall accumulate an additional or third week for the sixth year through the ninth year and an additional or fourth week for the tenth year and any year of employment thereafter.

(b)   Part-time, seasonal, or temporary employees shall not receive annual leave credit.

(c)   Employees on probationary status shall be credited with annual leave, but shall not be permitted to use any annual leave credit until they have completed the 90 day period. Time taken off during the probationary period will be time off without pay. Employees terminating prior to the completion of the probationary period will not be paid for any accrued annual leave.

(d)   Not more than one week of annual leave may be carried over from one calendar year to the next. When an employee is unable to use his or her annual leave due to scheduling problems an allowance for carry-over in excess of the maximum of one week may be given by approval of the governing body.

(e)   Upon termination an employee shall be compensated for all accumulated unused annual leave provided, however, that an employee who has not completed his or her probationary period shall not be entitled to annual leave upon termination.

(Code 2004)

All full-time employees shall be entitled to sick leave with pay for absences resulting from illness, injuries, accidents, or physical incapacitation occurring either on or off the job under the conditions hereinafter stated.

(a)   Full-time employees shall earn one working day of sick leave for each full month of service. Temporary, seasonal, or part-time employees shall not receive sick leave credit.

(b)   There shall be a 60-day maximum on the amount of sick leave accumulated.

(c)   Any absence for a fraction or part of a day in which is chargeable to sick leave shall be charged in increments of not less than one hour.

(d)   Doctor’s Certificate.

(1)   After five individual sick leave days during the year, the department head and/or governing body at their discretion may require an employee to submit a doctor’s certificate for additional sick leave with pay.

(2)   After three consecutive sick leave days or two shifts for the police department, the department head and/or governing body may at their discretion require an employee to submit a doctor’s certificate for additional sick leave with pay.

(e)   To be eligible for paid sick leave, an employee has a responsibility to notify his or her immediate supervisor one-half hour prior to the beginning of their working hours of the reason for the absence. Failure to report within one hour after the beginning of the working period constitutes absence without leave and may result in disciplinary action including loss of pay or dismissal.

(f)   An employee who improperly claims sick leave will be subjected to disciplinary action including loss of pay or dismissal.

(g)   Upon termination an employee shall not be compensated for accumulated unused sick leave.

(Code 1985)

(a)   All regular employees of the city who, on account of physical disability to work by reason of accidental injury arising out of and in the course of employment by the city, shall be entitled to such benefits as may be applicable under Workmen’s Compensation Act.

(b)   An accidental injury arising out of and in the course of employment as used herein, means an injury for which the employee would be entitled to draw compensation under the Workmen’s Compensation Law of the State of Kansas.

(c)   No accident leave time shall be allowed unless such accident is reported by the employee to his or her department head and an official report of such accident is made by said department; provided that the governing body may, for good cause, waive either report.

(Code 1985)

Full-time employees will be granted not to exceed five working days funeral leave for members of their immediate family such as parent, brother, sister, mother-in-law or father-in-law. The employee will immediately notify the department head prior to taking funeral leave.

(Code 1985)

(a)   When the governing body provides group health, accident, medical, hospitalization or life insurance or any combination of two or more such forms of group insurance for the benefit of the officers and employees of the city, and an officer or employee files a written statement with the city clerk that he or she elects to be covered by such insurance, such statement shall constitute an authorization to the city to deduct from such officer or employee’s compensation such amount at each compensation paying time as will, with the deductions from the compensation of other officers and employees covered by such insurance, be sufficient at premium paying time to pay 40 percent of the premium, the city paying the other 60 percent of the premium. Such statement shall continue in effect until the officer or employee files a written statement with the city clerk that he or she no longer desires to be covered by the insurance.

(b)   The city clerk shall at the close of the calendar year certify in writing to each officer or employee from whose compensation deductions were made during the year, the amount so deducted during such year. Appropriate records showing such deductions shall be kept by the city clerk.

(Ord. 186, Sec. 1:2)

The city extends the benefits of Title II of the Federal Social Security Act, in conformity with the applicable provisions, to all city employees, according to the provisions of K.S.A. 40 2301 et seq.

(Code 1985)

To enable the city to attract to and retain in its employment persons of competence and to provide a means for supplementing the retirements of the city employees, the city hereby elects to join and participate in the Kansas Public Employee Deferred Compensation Plan, as authorized by House Bill No. 3054, Laws of 1982.

(Ord. 465, Sec. 1)

There is hereby established an employee deferred compensation committee, which shall consist of five officers and employees of the city. The mayor shall be a member and chairperson of the committee. The city administrator shall be a member and secretary of the committee. The remaining members shall be appointed by the mayor and shall serve until replaced by a new appointee.

(Ord. 465, Sec. 2)

The city administrator is hereby charged with the duties of serving as local administrator of the plan and shall provide forms to all city employees to specify the amount of any compensation voluntarily deferred, make appropriate reductions from the gross compensation of such employees, transfer to the Aetna Company the amount so deferred in accordance with the conditions established under the Plan Joinder Agreement, and serve as secretary of the deferred compensation committee established by section 1-415.

(Ord. 465, Sec. 3)

The city, being authorized to become a joint contract owner with the State of Kansas of the group annuity contract issued by ING, Inc., in conjunction with the Kansas Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan, hereby authorizes and approves execution of a Plan Joinder Agreement and a Contract Joinder Agreement to implement a deferred compensation plan. Such agreements shall be signed by the mayor.

(Ord. 465, Sec. 4)

The city administrator shall periodically cause an accounting to be made to each employee participating in the employee deferred compensation plan of the amount contributed and such other information as may be required by the committee. The city administrator and the city shall not be responsible for any loss incurred by an employee under the employee deferred compensation plan adopted and approved by this article.

(Ord. 465, Sec. 5)